Is it a good investment to buy property in Spain?

Investing in a property in spain

If you are reading this article, it is likely that the idea of investing in a property in Spain has crossed your mind at some point. Before entering this world, it is very important to be properly informed about the risks involved in investing in a property. In our real estate agency in Barcelona Bcn Advisors, we bring you the most important information to take into account when making the final decision. If you want to know more, read on!

Before we start, we must comment on the current situation in Spain: Being such a large territory, there is a lot of opportunity for property investments, but we must know what we are doing at all times to avoid making mistakes that affect our profits. That is why we must always take into account all the aspects related to the actions whether we want to buy a flat in Barcelona or, on the contrary, we have a property and we are looking for a real estate agency to help us to sell our flat or house in Barcelona (we always talk about Barcelona, as it is the area where we are specialists).

It is important to know that when we consider the option of investing, we must be very precise. Asking whether to invest in a property in Spain is asking a question in too wide a territory, as it will depend on the exact point, whether it is a good idea to invest or not. We recommend that before anything else, you focus on a specific point to make a good decision, and that it is not so risky.


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Why is it good to invest in property in Spain?

Property investment is one of the best ways to do it, it is safe, low risk and very profitable. To get the most out of these investments, it is essential to know the environment and key concepts to know if you are doing a good management or not. At Bcn Advisors we are experts in real estate investments in Barcelona.

Things to consider when investing in a property in Spain

Places to invest in Spain

In the last few years, we have had a very difficult situation. The pandemic meant that we had to stay at home and property prices have suffered the same. It is true that many places in Spain tend to keep the same price due to their location, for example Barcelona, Madrid, etc. It is very important to know the places that are profitable, and those that are not, to begin with, we are going to know the most expensive, and the cheapest.

Most expensive places to buy property in Spain

To make the decision about where to buy property, it is very important, as we have mentioned before, Spain is a very large territory and the decision could vary depending on where we are.

Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Madrid, Galicia, Vizcaya, Barcelona, are some of the examples of places where investing in property is more expensive. In recent years, due to the pandemic, prices have tended to rise, which is why the average prices of these places have been affected.

As we at Bcn Advisors are experts in the Catalan capital, we recommend that you take a look at some of the articles we have created where we talk about the upper area of Barcelona, as well as the best neighbourhoods and areas to live in Barcelona.

If you want to know more about the most expensive areas of Barcelona, take a look at the 2 articles where we explain in much more detail why to live in Pedralbes and why to live in Sarrià.


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Cheapest places to live in Spain

Although property prices in Spain tend to rise, we can highlight two places that tend to always remain low. The prize for the cheapest place to invest in property in the country is in Castilla La Mancha, specifically in Toledo, but there are also other places where it remains low, such as Palencia.

What is the optimum profitability percentage when investing in a property?

rentabilidad optima inversiones propiedades

It is important to know what the profitability of your investment is, and it is advisable that we do not proceed to buy and rent a property that does not have at least 5% profitability. This will ensure that the profit we get from this management, is the highest possible.

In conclusion, if you have in mind to make an investment to obtain the highest profits, we recommend without a doubt that you invest in this sector, in fact, according to many sources, the real estate sector is one of the best to obtain one of the highest profits from your investment. From Bcn Advisors, we encourage you to inform yourself correctly about the optimal way to invest in a property, and in a short time you will be able to see how the returns on your investment increase. Good luck!

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